------------------------------------------------------------------------ Duke3D SideWinder GamePad Driver v1.0 By Steven L. Christy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents 1. Setting Up 1.1 Legal Notes 1.2 Intended Use 1.3 Installation 1.4 Configuring the Launcher 1.5 Launching the Program via Command Line 2. Configuring the SideWinder 2.1 Overview 2.2 Changing Button Mappings 2.3 Using the Shift ('M') button. 2.4 Resetting the Button Mapping 3. Miscellaneous 3.1 Known Problems and Possible Solutions 3.2 SideWinder driver and Shadow Warrior 3.3 Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Setting Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 Legal Notes Warranty There is no warranty written or implied for this software. By using this software you agree that you the user are solely liable for any damage or loss, consequential or intentional, related to the use of or inability to use this product. Further more you agree and understand that this product is not guarenteed to function on your computer in manner which this document implies. Trademarks All trademarks unless otherwise stated are owned by people other than myself. Please refer to the owning parties for more information on their trademarks and copyrights. Copyrights This software is freeware. Please feel free to distribute the original archive so long as no modifications are made to the program executable or this readme file. -------------------- 1.2 Intended Use This driver is intended to allow SideWinder GamePad owners to use their GamePad with Duke Nukem 3D. There is no guarantee that this program will work with other variations of the SideWinder products. -------------------- 1.3 Installation Unzip the archive in your Duke Nukem 3D directory. The following files should be within the archive: d3dsidew.exe - External Duke3D driver. readme.txt - This file. ------------------- 1.4 Configuring the Launcher These instructions are intended for the novice user and only cover the default duke launcher. a. From the Duke3d directory type setup. b. Choose 'Controller Setup' b. Choose 'Setup External' c. Backspace the existing content of the box and type: d3dsidew.exe d. Press Enter c. Choose 'Choose Controller Type' e. Choose 'Keyboard and External' f. Press ESC twice then choose yes. Now when you return to the setup program and choose an option to start the game (network play or normal), the launcher will automatically use the SideWinder driver. ------------------- 1.5 Launching the Program via Command Line d3dsidew d3dsidew -launch duke3d.exe -setupfile .cfg = Config file used by the launcher. Usually duke3d.cfg = Parameters to pass to duke nukem to enable network play or whatever. Consult your online help (dn3dhelp) for more information. Typing d3dsidew without parameters launches duke3d as if you typed: duke3d -setupfile duke3d.cfg ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Configuring the SideWinder ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 Overview After launching the SideWinder driver you are presented with a menu. Press start on your SideWinder to start duke3d. Press space bar or 'C' on your SideWinder to enter configuration mode. Press ESC to abort. NOTE: Sometimes the SideWinder needs a kickstart. This is especially true in Windows. Press the Mode Button once to turn it off and a second time to turn it back on. ------------------- 2.2 Changing the Button Mappings Press the space bar from the SideWinder driver main menu. You are presented with a list of SideWinder buttons and their functions. Use the keyboard the change the button mappings by typing the letter or directional arrow of the button. Pressing 'D' will allow you to load your config from the saved profile. Escape will prompt you to save and then prompt you to exit. NOTE: If you change the button config and choose not to save the mappings will not revert to the previously saved configuration. Use 'D' from the config menu to do this. If you pressed 'M' (SHIFT) you will see something like 'Button: M+' down at the bottom choose the button that must be pressed along with 'M'. Pressing 'M' a second time will allow you to define a mapping for 'M' otherwise 'M' will be used as a shift key. After selecting a button you will be prompted for a single or double click option. Type 'S' for single click or 'D' for double click. After selecting single or double the prompt at the bottom should look something like: (single): Function Example: X (single): Fire Use up and down arrows to change the function of the button. Press delete to remove the function from the button. Press Enter to confirm choice or ESC to cancel choice. ------------------- 2.3 Using the Shift ('M') button. Using the 'M' button as a shift allows you to have about 7 more buttons than you would normally have. This is perfect for changing to a specific weapon or inventory functions. If you don't want to use the 'M' as a shift you can map 'M' to have its own function. You can map 'M' and the 'M+?' buttons at the same time however the SideWinder driver will do both so if you press and hold 'M' and then hit 'X' both the 'M' and the 'M+X' functions will be performed. For this reason I recommend that you do not map both. The exception: A double click 'M' mapped with 'M+?' functions should work fine together. ------------------- 2.4 Resetting the Button Mapping You can reset the button mapping to its initial state by removing or renaming the d3dsidew.swc file in the duke3d directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Known Problems and Possible Solutions Q1. Buttons appear to press themselves randomly and I am unable to control them. A1. This is a common problem when run within windows. Pressing the Mode button off then on again usually fixes this but if not try disabling the SideWinder Windows Driver from the control panel or running the program in DOS mode instead of windows. ------------------- 3.2 SideWinder Driver and Shadow Warrior At this time the external driver does not function properly with Shadow Warrior. I will attempt to write one for Shadow Warrior when I get some time, but unless 3D Realms releases the External API specs for Shadow Warrior it is unlikely that there will be one. ------------------- 3.3 Acknowledgements Simone Zanella - For providing me with some SideWinder code. Robert Grubbs - Wrote the code Simone Zanella gave me. 3D Realms - For releasing the specs on their External Control API